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Eduardo de Mulder



Eduardo: 尽管今年这次活动是整个活动当中非常重要的一次活动,但也是全球一系列庆祝活动中的一部份,因为联合国已将2008年命名为国际行星地球年,这一周相应得活动在布达佩斯、Ottawa,首尔,Costa Rica,巴西,洪都拉斯,Bratislava,马得里,智利的圣地亚哥等地同时举办

Eduardo: 联合国决定宣布2008联合国行星地球年是因为至少下三个美好的原因:



Eduardo:“地球日”尽管在其它国家有不同的日期,但是在中国是4月22日 ,它是一个全球性的时刻来庆祝专注于以一个负责人的地球信赖者的心灵和头脑来进行思想和行动,我们同属一个人类的大家庭并且我们只有一个地球。

Teresa: Could you please introduce the International Year of Planet Earth in China? Eduardo:Although this is very important event, I can tell you that this celebration in is one in a series which take place all over the world this year as the United Nations have designated 2008 as the UN Year of Planet Earth. This week comparable celebrations will take place in Budapest, Ottawa, Seoul, Costa Rica, Brasilia, Honduras, Bratislava, Madrid, and in Santiago de Chile.

Teresa:Why did the United Nations’ decide to proclaim 2008 the UN Year of Planet Earth Eduardo:There are at least three very good reasons:
1 Societies still suffer significantly from Earth-related hazards. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean which killed a quarter of a million people in 2004 could have been much less devastating if proper use was made of the abundant knowledge about tsunami’s and how to cope with them. Such knowledge is in the brains of about a quarter of a million geoscientists but their knowledge was not used in spatial planning of the coastal zones in the areas that were hit most by the tsunami.
2 We all need Earth materials to build, to live and to heat or cool our houses. These materials are not always extracted from the subsurface in a sustainable way and their waste products may be a burden to the environment. We can do much better and modern science and technology provide the methods to make that happen.
The third reason for UN support to the International Year of Planet Earth is the need to change our appreciation of the Earth. There are many more positive messages concerning our Planet Earth than often exposed by the media. Although we may be able to influence our climate systems Planet Earth itself is not at risk. Climate change may force us to adapt our living conditions and we will, as humankind has always done since we came into existence, about 2 million years ago. Science and technology on the one hand and international cooperation on the other will make that happen. In the mean time, we should rediscover the beauty of our planet, improve our knowledge how the Earth works, and enjoy the lessons of its past which provides us, after all, still the key to the present and the future. Geoparks are a very important instrument achieving this. We hope to get in particular the youth interested to consider studying the Earth as we very much need more experts in this field!

Teresa: Could you please tell us the background and progress of this program now?
Eduardo: The International Year of Planet Earth initiative has now been adopted in 69 countries and regions throughout the globe, involving by far the majority of the world population. As in China, in all these nations impressive science and outreach programmes have been developed. Moreover, worldwide exposure of the International Year can be noticed in the many publications, lectures series, international events, songs, stamps and coins, exhibitions and a wide range of other activities. These are coordinated by the International Secretariat in Norway and I am proud to be its Director. I look forward to an exciting programme in China which may serve as an example for other nations!

Teresa: What is the benifit to become a partner of this program?
Eduardo: The International Year of Planet Earth provides a once-in-a-life opportunity to highlight the urgent need for knowledge of the Earth that will help to make societies on the planet safer, healthier and wealthier. It is also a major opportunity to communicate your involvement in sustainable development on an international level and towards a large audience.

Teresa:What is? Earth Day?
Eduardo: It varied in other countries , but it is Apri.22 in China
One global common moment celebrating life with dedication of heart and mind to think and act as responsible Earth Trustees. We are one human family and have only one Earth.

Planet Earth Roundtable





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